Before TREELIFE was introduced, the Taray’s vision was to plant any available seedling (coconut, mahogany, narra and bamboo) in the area to the land they leased to make it more productive and improve environmental biodiversity.

The couple established its own nursery of coconut, banana, oil palm and other tree seedlings. They later offered these planting materials to their neighbouring communities for free and helped provide potable drinking water to the communities around the area. This initiative by the Taray’s helped create a sustainable future not only for the community but most especially for the environment. Biological diversity is enhanced in the coconut production areas by intercropping other crops to maximise the area and promote crop diversification.

TREELIFE employs local men and women of the surrounding area by providing them livelihood and additional income for their families. We provide standard training to each individual in production of world class organic produce, thereby uplifting the community and spirit of the farm. Now, TREELIFE has expanded its horizon by partnering with individual farmers, local communities and cooperatives currently employing 800 farmers.

Our aim as a company is to provide a sustainable and reliable source of organic products, at the same time helping to uplift the local community by offering the a chance to work with a steady source of income. Supporting the local organic and natural market as well as a greener Philippines.